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Jen Moss

Being Addy's mom is a big job but I am always up for the challenge. I am her voice, biggest fan, and advocate. We have our share of fun but Addy and I get it all done. Shuffling back and forth to school, therapies, or doc appointments. We make it happen. She keeps us on our toes!


Brent Moss

When Addy was in my belly Brent would come home after being gone all day she would hear his voice and immediately settle down. That still holds true today. He can get her dressed or change her like a champ - even through all of the crabs and complaints.

Jax (aka Jai-eee-x)

Jax Moss

Brother. He is amazing at taking a cranky mood and turning it around. You can hear Addy giggles down the block. He moves fast but always takes the time to say hi or to play with his little sister. 


The OG

Oly is the loyal lab every family should have. She is the best friend a girl could ask for. We play ball and also enjoy many snuggles early in the morning and late at night.  

Wrangler (aka Pah-pah)

Addy's Companion

We got Wrangler in May and are training her to be a companion dog for Addy. She has shown us that she is smart, tolerant, and an easy-going lab with a dash of trouble maker. Just the way we like 'em. 

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